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We’d like to give you some insights and good practice tipps, making it possible to use and apply the technologies for your own practice, and also giving some orientation towards its aesthetic dimensions.

In the different chapters, after some introductury remarks, we give you basic information about the technology and the logic of bidirectional streaming.

In the following chapters, we introduce you to the use of our telematic tools for easy jamming, but also for more complex settings, using audio and video. Together with the TPF-Tools’ manuals you will be able to apply the technologies for yourself and for your artistic practice.

The final chapters are devoted to artistic dimensions, we present some findings which we have developed in our practice during the last few years.



Joel De Giovanni, Patrick Müller

authors and presenters:

Benjamin Burger, Joel De Giovanni, Roman Haefeli, Patrick Müller, Hannah Walter, Matthias Ziegler

research funded by:

video tutorial funded by:


Zurich University of the Arts

Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology

Research Group TPF

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