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We’re a multidisciplinary group of experts around the University of Arts in Zurich.
Since 2013 we connect Artist on stages worldwide, enabling them to perform together in real time.
We created our own open source software, as well as a extensive documentation. To further share our knowledge, we created a free online course to learn about telematic performances.

Our Team for the research project from 2020-2024.

Our Team for the research project from 2016-2018.



Our first telematic concert /

Matthias Ziegler formed the first Team (with the help of Daniel Späti), consisting of Johannes Schütt, Simon Könz, Benjamin Burger & Joel De Giovanni to collaborate with musicians in San Diego.


Z-Modul /

After creating more telematic concerts, we offered a workshop for ZHdK-Students to share our knowledge.


Team Growth /

Our Team expanded with Gina Keller, Roman Haefeli & Gina Keller.

Resarch Project No. 1 /

We got confirmed funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for a 2-year research project.

Conflux /

We helped setting up a remote Location in Hong Kong to perform with from Zurich.


Experiments /

We investigated theories and tested setups in order to enhance the perceptibility between local and remote performers.

Symposium /

We hosted a symposium to shared our knowledge and performed a concert with Hong Kong and San Diego.

Team Growth /

Patrick Müller joined our Team


Experiments /

We continued to experiment with different setups.

NowNet Arts /

We presented our work and collaborated in a concert at the NowNet Arts Conference in Stony Brook.

Moving Screens, Sounds & Bodies /

At the ZHdK, we created a concert, connecting two rooms with musicians & dancers, using moving screens like windows to connect the rooms.


Education /

Together with a team at the University The Hague, we experimented with 1:1 telematic student-teacher situations.


Reseach Project No. 2 /

Our second project got SNSF funded, this time for 4 years. Our team changed a bit and Martin Fröhlich, Hannah Walter and later Eric Larrieux joined us.

Online Learning Tool

Funded by Swissuniversities, we created a series of learning videos to share our knowledge online.


Dortmund Digital Theatre /

We collaborated with the Digital Theatre in Dortmund over the course of 6 months and developed a telematic theatre format.


We created a 1:1 Performer - Visitor Theatre for the "Digital Day" at the ZHdK.


Osmosis /

We further developed our idea of moving screens and also incorporated moving audio in a telematic performance.


The Zone /

We created a theatre performance with 3D Video and 3D Audio.


Resume /

Our second research project is coming to an end and we celebrate this with a final presentation, involving all our developed technologies.

a special thank you!

Andreas Birkle
Angelo Brem
Baschi Aeschlimann
Benjamin Sunarjo
Chris Chafe
Christian Burkhalter
Christian Fürholz
Christian Iseli
Christopher J Keyes
Christopher Salter
Claire Genewein
Cobus Swanepoel
Daniel Bisig
Daniel Späti
Daniela Huser

Dirk Stromberg
Ehrsam Hanspeter
Ernesto Coba-Antequera
Filipe Fizkal
Florian Bruggisser
Franziska Feucht
Gabriela Spaar
Gian Andrea Courtin
Hans-Jürg Hofmann
Hansruedi Naef
Imanol Egea
Karst De Jong
Kristina Jungic
Lai Ching Kong
Lee Lam

Lex Van Den Broek
Lucas Niggli
Mara Vivien Güntensperger
Maria Rapp
Mark Dresser
Martina Schucan
Martin Neukom
Max Molling
Melody Chua
Michael Dessen
Michael Eidenbenz
Michael Koch
Michel Weber
Miloš Liška
Momo Kunz

Norbert Kottmann
Nuria Krämer
Oliver Sahli
Patrycya Pakiela
Peter Färber
Regula Stibi
Reinhard Tobler
Rena Geli Widmer
Roger Bachmann
Ruth Frischknecht
Sabina Aeschlimann
Sabine Egli
Sarah Weaver
Sascha Jösler
Sébastien Schiesser

Sharon Chan
Shao-Ting Sun
Simon Könz
Stefan Kreysler
Stefanie Steffens
Stella Speziali
Susanne Schumacher
Takuro Mizuta Lippit
Tilo Seiring
Timothy O ’Dwyer
Tom Beyer
Urs Daniel Berlinger
Wai Qi Chooi
William Lane

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