The following short videos and images give some insights into the development of asymmetrical dramaturgies between telematic spaces, including live performane, motion capture, video mapping and 3D-audio. The work is in development, there will be further research phases leading to the public performance in November.
Room A (concert setting)
- flute (local)
- double base (local)
- percussion (from remote)
- movement performers
- motion capture (for moving screens)
- video mapping (for representation of remote musician on screens)
- audio: mono, front of house, ambisonics
- motion capture to 3D-audio (from local and from remote)
- bi-directional streaming
- local: static (facing the stage)
- remote: streaming to browsers, see Room C
Remote percussionist projected on flat surface
Flat projection screen transforms to cube
Movement of cube (coordinated with 3D-audio)
Deconstruction of box (coordinated with 3D-audio)

Room B (installative)
- flute (from remote)
- double base (from remote)
- percussion (local)
- movement performers
- motion capture (for moving screens)
- video mapping (for representation of remote musician on screens)
- audio: front of house, boxes with transducers
- bi-directional streaming
- local: moving, interacting (in installation setting)
- remote: streaming to browsers, see Room C
Percussion (with sections wood, metal, skin)

Boxes for video and sound projection; boxes will be moved through space
Room C (for remote audience, through browser)
Streaming to a virtual space, accessible thorough personal browsers (in development), proposing a further alternative how to merge the two performance spaces.