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Towards Telematic Dimension Space

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Poster for NIME 2019

Telematic performances connect two or more locations so that participants are able to interact in real time. Such practices blend a variety of dimensions, insofar as the representation of remote performers on a local stage intrinsically occurs on auditory, as well as visual and scenic, levels. Due to their multimodal nature, the analysis or creation of such performances can quickly descend into a house of mirrors wherein certain intensely interdependent dimensions come to the fore, while others are multiplied, seem hidden or are made invisible. In order to have a better understanding of such performances, Dimension Space Analysis, with its capacity to review multifaceted components of a system, can be applied to telematic performances, understood here as (a bundle of) NIMEs. In the second part of the paper, some telematic works from the practices of the authors are described with the toolset developed.

Paper presented at New Interfaces for Musical Expression Conference, Porto Allegre

3–6 June, 2019

Link to poster as PDF

Müller, Patrick, Johannes Schütt, Matthias Ziegler, “Towards Telematic Dimension Space”, Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, UFRGS, 2019, pp. 393–400

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